Meanwhile, Back in Cutters Creek

“Oh Johnny, Johnny! Faster, please, Johnny! I’m almostthere!”
John Finch grinned wickedly as he plowed even harder intothe writhing young woman beneath him. Annie Lynn was asight! Her hair was disheveled and matted withperspiration; the sheet beneath her was sodden fromrepeated climaxes and still she was pleading for more!.John couldn’t believe his luck the first time she’d hiton him at the diner. She was practically jailbait, justnineteen, with hooters like a porno queen and an ass thatwouldn’t quit. She’d been wearing the coveralls that allthe girls in the area seemed to favor, but they hadn’tdone much to cover all the girl’s huge tits. He’d beenhard at the first sight of her.
That had been at the diner where the men working on thetown’s new hospital ate lunch. Out of nowhere Annie LynnTownley had sat down by him and struck up a conversation.He was gazing into her blue eyes trying not to be tooobvious about looking down her front at the biggest setof bare tits he’d ever seen, when he felt her hand on hisprick through his pants. Although he had an average sizeor better equipment, comparing himself to the enormousbulges he noticed on the local men, John had been feelingembarrassed his small size. Annie Lynn’s hand was makinghim feel a lot better about it. By the time lunch wasover he’d come in his pants and she’d invited him to eatat her place the next day.
If John had been pleased with himself when Annie Lynn hadasked him to eat with her he’d been even happier whenshe’d met him at the door of her trailer. She hadn’t beenwearing anything but a smile under that hose coat. Johnate nothing for lunch that day but Annie Lynn’s soft wetpussy. The girl had lain back and let his tongue bringher to several screaming orgasms before inviting him toplunge his prick into her well-prepared snatch. For thelast two weeks he’d been “eating” at Annie Lynn’s everyday. Not only was it great sex, but he was starting tolose his six pack stomach from all the “working out” he’ddone at her place!
“Oh, Johnny, turn me. I want it doggy style!” Annie Lynnmoaned. John pulled out and considered his cock. It was alot longer and thicker than it used to be, maybe from allthe exercise Annie Lynn was giving it. Then again, maybeit was that Annie Lynn was so much hotter than his wife.Sure, May was a good woman. She’d born him one beautifuldaughter, although he had hoped for quite a few more, andshe agreed to come with him to this dinky town for aconstruction job, but she just wasn’t the best in bed.After the first few months of marriage, once-a-week sexwas more than enough for her. She had never let him doher doggy style the whole time they were married and shethought his desire to eat her pussy was some kind ofperversion. Strangely, in the last few days she had beenwarming up to him, but nothing like the insanelypassionate Annie Lynn.

As he re-entered Annie Lynn’s dripping cunt, John brieflywondered what his wife was doing. Probably just watchingthe soaps as usual.
May Finch arched her back in ecstasy then dropped herhead to the bed burrowing in a pillow as she screamed outanother orgasm. She didn’t want the neighbors to hear,especially that slut next door, Suzie Johnson, the wifeof one of the other construction workers. That hornybitch was so loud that everyone in the trailer park knewwhen she was getting it, at least when it wasn’t from TimJohnson. Suzie had all the boys on her son’s footballteam on some kind of rotating schedule to come and scorewith her. Like Suzie, May never screamed with herhusband, but Freddie Townley was so much bigger that shesimply couldn’t help herself. She had to howl out herpleasure to the world. “Oh Miz Finch I’m real close!”Freddie croaked in a husky, breathless tone. May droveher face deeper into the pillow to bellow again. Shecould feel Freddie’s cock swelling up as he approachedorgasm, and it was bringing her to another plateau ofpleasure.
As Freddie’s sperm splattered the inside of May’s pussy,she blessed the man who had invented the birth controlpill. Encasing Freddie’s marvelous, thick, veined cock inlatex was unthinkable. Without her pills, she would havebeen limited to oral sex with this delicious boy. Sheloved the way he could bring her to orgasm after orgasmwith his tongue and she adored the taste of his richspend when she sucked him off, but those pleasurescouldn’t compare to the ecstasy of Freddie’s huge cockpounding her pussy. Thanks to contraception, she couldlet the boy fuck her silly every day, even this week. Herperiod had been just a couple of weeks ago, not longafter Freddie came to her door selling magazines andspent the afternoon turning May’s world upside down. Andsex this week, especially today, had been the best shehad ever had. Getting pregnant with Jill didn’t even comeclose.
May briefly wondered what her daughter was doing beforewaves of pleasure from the boy’s man-size cock blottedout all other thoughts.
Jill Finch moaned as the tongue on her clit moved fasterand faster. She was getting close and didn’t care whoheard her. But the tongue was suddenly removed leavingonly the fingers in her pussy to keep her boiling.Although they were nice, the orgasm that had beenbuilding began to fade. Distantly she heard the voice ofher Sex-Ed teacher speaking.
“Ok everyone gather around. You see she’s almost ready.”The fingers moved up to circle her clit. “You all knowwhat a clitoris looks like, so we won’t need to go overthat.” There was a round of chuckles. Then the teacher’svoice continued, “Boys I want you to get a whiff of herscent. Does it smell different than pussies do most ofthe time?” There was a general murmur of ascent. “Cananyone tell me why?”
Her teacher’s skilled fingers were driving Jill backtoward orgasm; she concentrated on the sensations andheard the voices as if from far off. “She’s ready toaccept the spirit today!” a strong young voice replied.Distantly Jill recognized the voice as belonging to CliffCooper. Jill had a crush on Cliff, but she knew shedidn’t have a chance with him. He had a big-breastedgirlfriend named Mandy, now four or five months along.The pregnancy had made the girl’ tits absolutely huge.How Jill envied those tits; all the boys in school staredat the girls with big tits. Hers had grown from an A to aC since she moved here, but they were still a lot smallerthan Mandy’s, or most of the other girls in town for thatmatter.
“That’s right, Cliff” the gym teacher’s voice replied.“But then you should know from putting the bun in Mandy’soven, right?” Again there were chuckles. “Jill is mid waythrough her cycle and probably dropped an egg a day or soago. Move to where you can see, I’m going to give ademonstration of how to knock a girl up.”
There was the sound of people moving around and thefingers left Jill’s pussy. She opened her eyes to watchthe teacher climb on top of her. Mr. Jackson was a good-looking man in his late twenties. He was thin andmuscular with blond hair and enchanting blue eyes. Jillliked the idea of him putting a baby in her. “Everyonemove so you can see my cock entering her. See how Istretch her? Deep vaginal penetration is best, as it putsthe baby juice where it’ll do her the most good”
Again there was the sound of general laughter, but thistime Jill heard a girl give a high moan. Mr. Jackson musthave heard it to because he said, “What’s the matter MissReiley?”
Sara Reiley was her friend, one of the other girls whosefathers moved to the area to work on the big newhospital. “Ooh nothing, nothing’s WRONG, sir. Ooh Godyes! Jacob was standing behind me and I guess thedemonstration and feeling his cock on my ass got me soturned on, I had to let him shove it in me.” The girlthen dissolved into a series of low moans and grunts.
The teacher chuckled under his breath. “There are alwaysa few girls who can’t wait for the demonstration,” hesaid to Jill under his breath. Then he began shoving hismassive cock inside Jill, inch after delightful inchstretching her wider and wider. When she felt his massiveballs slap against her ass, Jill’s world exploded in amassive orgasm. “Some very fertile women are so ready forimpregnation they orgasm as soon as they’re fullypenetrated.” the teacher commented casually as he beganworking his massive tool in and out of Jill’s tightcleft. “Always see that the woman comes as hard and asmany time as possible. The more she orgasms the moreeasily she’ll be impregnated, so take your time, boys,and make her enjoy it. Some times all it takes to makeher cum again is to point out what is happening to her.”
Mr. Jackson brought his face close to Jill’s right breastand his tongue snaked out to tease her nipple. “If I comein you, Jill honey, pretty soon my baby will be doingthis,” he whispered. Jill exploded in another orgasm atthe thought. “You are a little hottie, aren’t yousweetheart?” he remarked in genuine admiration for thesquirming girl. “The way you enjoy having a big, thick,babymaking cock in that fertile little pussy of yours,girl, you’re going to have a baby in your tummy in notime,” he said, sending the delirious girl over the edgeyet again. Smiling, the teacher pulled his face from backand continued pumping as Jill recovered from her back toback orgasms.
After a minute catching his breath the teacher continued,“Another good way to ensure repeated orgasm is to changeposition.” With that he pulled Jill’s legs from aroundhis waist up to his shoulders and began pumpingfuriously. Within seconds Jill was cumming with adelighted yell. As she came down Mr. Jackson casuallyasked, “I’m about to pump your cute little cunny full ofmy babyjuice and give you your first young’en, honey. Howdo you want it?” Jill hadn’t thought about that, she’donly found out she was getting a first baby when shearrived at school that morning. Looking at Sara bent overa desk, writhing as Jacob pounded her from behind, Jillcried, “Doggy style sir. I want you to put a baby in medoggy style!”
“Good choice, my dear,” Mr. Jackson grinned as he flippedthe rutting youngster over and sank his man meat into heragain. Soon Jill was groaning again as she felt herteacher’s cock swell within her. She joined him in hisorgasm, squirming and panting as sperm filled her cervix.It was the hardest cum in the young girl’s life.
She wondered if this was how other women felt as they hadnew life poured into them.
Annie Lynn squealed as John’s cock pulsed in her. It wassooo good, but then it would be. This was the day theminister had marked on her calendar, the day she wouldget the outlander to plant a young one in her. NormallyAnnie Lynn wasn’t a devious girl. She wouldn’t haveconcealed the fact that she already had six children andwhy not tell Johnny she wanted HIM to give her the nextone? But she was following the minister’s instructions.The Reverend Daniels had sat her down and explained thatpeople like John and May Finch didn’t understand how theydid things in the valley. He’d asked if she wanted tohelp spread the word. Well of course she did!
It was then that he had explained the plan to her. Hermother, Dora May, would take the kids every day justbefore lunchtime. Then she’d meet the newcomer and seducehim; not that it took much. And she’d made sure that Johndrank plenty of the Spirit Springs water. She’d been morethan pleased as his cock had gotten larger and larger;after the first week she no longer had to fake theorgasms. And this week, as she approached the day her eggdropped, the sex had been better than ever.
Not that she’d been getting as MUCH of it as she wouldhave liked. Lunchtime sex was nice, but she really neededto get it several times a night, as she was used to fromher little brother. But the Reverend had made her promisenot to have sex with Freddie or anyone except John untilshe was safely knocked up. Freddie was busy, anyway,doing some missionary work for the Reverend with severalof the new wives in town. So she had been making do withthe talented boy eating her to distraction every night asshe periodically drank from his sperm fountain.
As jets of cum erupted out of John’s cock into herwrithing womb Annie Lynn burst into her own orgasm. Itwas a searingly hard cum, just as it had been every othertime she got knocked up. As she lay in the afterglow,still plugged with Johnny’s improving cock, Annie Lynncould almost feel the little sperm swimming up to herwaiting egg. The thought made her so horny she pleadedwith John to do it to her one more time. Of course hecomplied.
As he pounded his cock into the buxom housewife, Freddiedecided he was the luckiest twelve-year old boy in theworld. The women in Cutters Creek had big tits and weremore than friendly. The climate was just right forfucking under the stars year around; and now he wasgetting to give babies to the unsuspecting wives of theworkers who came to the area to build the ever-expandinghospitals and schools. Not that he was nailing May Finchpurely for his own enjoyment, her tits were still prettysmall by local standards, though with all the SpiritSprings water she was drinking, they were expandingnicely. He’d rather be fucking one of his aunts – nowthose women had BREASTS – or his insatiable older sister,Annie Lynn. But the Reverend had explained that outsidewomen had strange notions about limiting how often theyhad sex. May Finch lost that notion soon enough the firsttime he made her come four times on his cock beforeshooting her full of semen.
Even stranger, few wanted more than one or two children!Rev, Daniels said they thought that by taking a littlewhite pill every day they could thwart the Spirit’scommand to be fruitful. It was just as well May believedthat, as she didn’t bother insisting he use condoms. RevDaniels had explained it to the Fructifiers, the Church’sboys’ group, before they began their mission. The sameingredients in the water that made women’s breasts grow,cinched their waist and widened their hips, alsocounteracted the contraceptives. But Freddie hadn’twanted to wait in May’s case anyway; one time while thejust-fucked wife was in an orgasmic daze, he had switchedher pills for some look-alike ones the Reverend gave him.The Reverend said it was necessary to acquaint thesewives of the workers with the blessings of the Spirit,and had chosen a few of the better-built Fructifiers tobe Instruments of Benediction. He’d said that they shouldbe especially careful to show the women the “Blessing ofthe Spirit” when they were most ready to receive it.
Freddie had eaten May insane every day before he fuckedher out of her mind, just as the Reverend had told him,and he was sure today was her day. Not only did she tastebetter today, but her juices were slicker and thicker andshe came quicker. She was evidently feeling more randy,too, almost jumping him when he entered her house onlunch break from school. He could tell she’d beenexpecting him. She’d dressed up special for him in longblack stocking, high heels and a really short dress. Heknew even before his hands were lifting its hem, shewouldn’t have on panties. Freddie didn’t really care whatMay had on, he was just going to pull it all off and fuckher silly, anyway. But if it made HER feel sexier, he wasall for it.
The delirious housewife was moaning and gasping again.Fred recognized the signs of the Spirit’s Blessing. TheReverend said it was Providence that made women enjoy sexmore when they were about to be blest. They often prayedfor it without realizing what they were saying. “Oh,Baby! Give it to me, give it to me, Freddie, Baby. OhBaby, yessss.” May was babbling.
Doing the spirit’s work was so satisfying, Fred thoughtas his thick cock swelled and spat glob after glob ofhot, potent sperm deep into the spasming fertile pussy ofthe beautiful older woman.
Even after his orgasm Ron Jackson kept moving inside theFinch girl. She was spasming and howling like no othergirl he had ever initiated. It felt so good, he wonderedif she might be special somehow? Anyway, he might as wellkeep fucking her; she was sure enjoying it and it wasobvious he wouldn’t be getting the class back undercontrol any time soon. There wasn’t a girl in the classwho wasn’t on her back or bent over the furniture gettingthe daylights fucked out of her. Ron wasn’t surprised, itwas always that way when he initiated a new girl. StillJill had been particularly inspiring as she begged him tomake a baby in her.
Most of the girls in the class were recent arrivals inCutters Creek. The school always made sure the new girlswere collected into classes together with the mostsuccessful of the local breeders. That way they made surethe girls were properly introduced to Cutters Creeksociety. From the moans and grunts in the room Ron couldtell that the girls were receiving a right properinitiation. By Thanksgiving he was sure they’d start tosee some swelling bellies.
6 months later
John walked through the door and gave May a big kiss onthe cheek and patted her tight belly. “Is that RonJackson’s car out front?” he asked.
May smiled and swatted John’s hand as it crept toward oneof her swollen boobs. “Yes, he came over to see Jill, soyou’ll have to help me get supper on the table.”
Looking around John asked, “So where are they?”
May turned the radio down so John could hear the rhythmicbumping and moaning coming from the back of the house.“They’re at it again?” John asked raising an eyebrow.“After the way she got him to drill her three times thismorning, and I know they do it at school, I though she’dbe satisfied.”
“And why would you think that, John Finch?” May grinned.“Her mother certainly isn’t satisfied so easily!” Johncould scarcely remember the sexually reserved woman whohad moved to Cutters Creek with him. She’d become eagerfor sex even before she got pregnant. Now she wanted itseveral times a day and didn’t care who heard herenjoying it. John made a lustful lunge at his teasingwife but she swung her hips and he missed.
He sometimes still couldn’t believe the physical changethat had come over May here in Cutters Creek. Withinweeks of arriving here, her tits had started to swell,her hips to widen and her waist to shrink. She started tolook like a sex goddess and act like one too. After yearsof marriage, she had finally started dressing in theshort skirts John had always wanted her to wear and tochose blouses that showed off her developing rack. Manytimes when he arrived from work he found her withoutpanties and already wet with anticipation. And she’dbecome was a hellcat in bed. He didn’t know where she hadlearned to fuck in so many different positions and hedidn’t care! If his ardor failed after several fucks, herclever tongue and mouth could revive him and if heaccidentally came in her mouth, she drank it like cream.
Best of all, one night she stopped him as he was puttingon a rubber and told him she had decided it was time tostart on the larger family he had always wanted. She senttheir smirking daughter to Sara Reiley’s house for thatweekend and almost didn’t let John out of bed till Mondaymorning. Sure enough, almost sooner than he thoughtpossible, May was sporting a pretty paunch, just likeSuzie Johnson next door.
Most of the wives of his friends from the constructioncompany had left Cutters Creek with a reminder of thelittle town in their wombs when the construction projectwas finished. But May was special. Those proud newbreasts exploded and John was already suckling the warmmilk from them so she could “practice” nursing theirbaby. May’s belly even more amazing, high and round andhard. She let him spend hours massaging and kissing it ashe fingered her to soft rolling orgasms. How she loved tolie with John’s head between her plump thighs and comeover and over on her husband’s tongue both before hefucked her and afterward as he kissed away her own spendand the excess semen that he had pumped into her.
“Ron Jackson knows how to show his gratitude to a womanwho is giving him triplets,” May said with a tinge ofenvy as she was only having twins. “Jill says he plans tokeep her knocked up until she squirts out ten or twelvefor him and he intends to keep her ‘in practice’ whileshe’s pregnant.” May was proud her daughter took afterher, able to bear more than one baby at a time and shewas very glad her daughter had found a man who could takegood advantage of it. Of course she was a little sad thatsoon Jill would be moving in with Ron and his otherwomen, but with Jill’s fertility, May had no doubt whoRon’s favorite would be.
“If I know Jill, they’ll be at it for some time. Can’t wehave a quickie before supper?” pleaded John.
“What’s the matter, didn’t Annie Lynn take good enoughcare of you at lunch?” May liked to tease John about hisliaison with the young woman even though she knew John’sheart belonged to her and the Lord didn’t mind a hornyman finding comfort where he could. She could hardlyexpect a man with normal appetites like John to go frommorning to night without a fuck. Lord knows she couldn’t.Thankfully, Freddie hadn’t stopped visiting her in theafternoons when she got pregnant.
John groaned and ground his hips against his wife’scrotch, “But baby I didn’t even get to visit Annie Lynnat lunch today. I was busy gathering supplies for the newrooms.”
May supposed John deserved some compensation forforegoing his usual visit to Annie Lynn’s bed in favor ofcollecting lumber scraps from the site. He was buildingan addition so Annie Lynn and her flock of young couldmove in with them. May thought it would be nice to have ahouseful of kids before she could produce a houseful ofher own and she wanted another woman to share this andfuture pregnancies with. Besides, Annie Lynn was part ofthe family now.
She was glad she had “persuaded” John to leave theconstruction company so they could stay in Cutters Creek,not that it was hard to pursued John of anything aftershe got astraddle him and had fucked him for a while.Until John’s cock had finished growing, May didn’t thinkshe could have lived with out Freddie to fuck her sillyevery day. Besides, the Reverend said it was only rightfor the boy to get to know the fruit of his loins thatwas filling her belly so sexily. Of course May didn’tknow at the time that Freddie’s pretty older sister wascarrying her husband’s child just as John still didn’tknow that it was his lover’s 12 year old brother who hadmade his wife’s tummy swell. May really hoped that thenext one would be John’s, though the Reverend had saidsomething about making a special dedication of one babyto the Church. Well there was always number three orfour.
Smiling, May dropped a hand to her husband’s crotch andran her fingers up the bulge in his pants. She was hornythough she was still full of Freddie’s cum. That didn’tworry her. John was in such a rut he wouldn’t notice. “Wehave ten minutes before the casserole needs to go in,”she lied, setting the timer for forty five. She knew whatwould happen when she and John got going. “How many timecan you make me come by then, stud?”
John growled, already unzipping his pants. It was good tobe a man in Cutters Creek.